Thursday, 5 June 2008

LEJOG day 17 (Peter)

“Flaming June”, Highlands style (a wee bit cooler than the SE); the roadside bursting with bright yellow gorse; kaleidoscopic views of hills, firths and sea, as in picture books. We were gobsmacked, even our Scottish team member.

We crossed three major firths today; Moray, Cromarty and Dornoch, the first of these across the breezy bridge from Inverness; lovely, but probably not a crossing to relish in a high wind. Then through the rolling coutryside of the Black Isle (escaping the A9), to Cromarty, memorable from the shipping forecasts and as a major harbour during two world wars.

Across the Firth of Cromarty on a wee ferry (two cars max, plus assorted passengers) to the landing point which is called simply “Nigg Ferry”. After an alfresco lunch in Tain, we reached Golspie in time for a 6pm tee off at this demanding, but entertaining seaside links course; the golf not quite matching the surroundings.

A 9pm dash to the Sutherland inn for supper before the kitchen closed. And so to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stewart's nephew here with a request for an update on your relative physical wellbeing? Stewart is invariably rude of health but SURELY there is some suffering for your deskbound supporters to enjoy, sorry, commiserate over? Keep it going everyone, we are all very proud of you!!! Conor